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Sleeping Lady Ride

Corralitos Road Homestead Corralitos Ranch, 3000 Corralitos Rd, Las Cruces, NM, United States

Base camp is on the old Butterfield Trail. It served as one of the stage stops until the Rail took over. Corralitos Road Homestead, Las Cruces NM. This ride is a one day ride with an Intro, LD and a 50 mile ride. Base camp is primitive South West tulie bushes.

Packet Equipment Setup/Training

Sandoval County Fire Admin Bldg 1526 Stephanie Rd, RIO RANCHO, NM, United States

Members will get together for some learning/troubleshooting Re: any catch up training, and problems discovered with various VHF packet gear during the recent SET exercise. Marc Sandoval will be on hand to Elmer.

Albuquerque Simplex EmComm Net

Albuquerque Simplex EmComm NetThe Albuquerque Simplex EmComm Net takes place on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 6 PM Local Time on 146.40 MHz

Weekly SCARES Radio Net

The weekly SCARES Radio Net takes place every Monday night at 1930 MST/MDT, on the SCARES linked repeater net. You do not have to be an ARES member to check in.

SCARES Monthly Meeting

Sandoval County Fire Admin Bldg 1526 Stephanie Rd, RIO RANCHO, NM, United States

The Monthly Sandoval County ARES in-person meeting is held on the third Monday of each month at 1900 MST/MDT at the Fire Station on Stephanie Road (see map below). We enter the building via the side door, behind the locked gate. Give a call on the 147.10 MHz Repeater (100 Hz PL) or honk your...

Albuquerque Simplex EmComm Net

Albuquerque Simplex EmComm NetThe Albuquerque Simplex EmComm Net takes place on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 6 PM Local Time on 146.40 MHz

Weekly SCARES Radio Net

The weekly SCARES Radio Net takes place every Monday night at 1930 MST/MDT, on the SCARES linked repeater net. You do not have to be an ARES member to check in.

Weekly SCARES Radio Net

The weekly SCARES Radio Net takes place every Monday night at 1930 MST/MDT, on the SCARES linked repeater net. You do not have to be an ARES member to check in.


The monthly New Mexico EMCOMM Net takes place on the first Sunday of the month, at 1700 MST, or 1930 MDT, on 3939 kHz, unless that day is a holiday. In the case of a holiday or other postponement, the net will be held on the following Sunday. You do not have to be an...

Albuquerque Simplex EmComm Net

Albuquerque Simplex EmComm NetThe Albuquerque Simplex EmComm Net takes place on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 6 PM Local Time on 146.40 MHz

Weekly SCARES Radio Net

The weekly SCARES Radio Net takes place every Monday night at 1930 MST/MDT, on the SCARES linked repeater net. You do not have to be an ARES member to check in.

SCARES Monthly Meeting

Sandoval County Fire Admin Bldg 1526 Stephanie Rd, RIO RANCHO, NM, United States

The Monthly Sandoval County ARES in-person meeting is held on the third Monday of each month at 1900 MST/MDT at the Fire Station on Stephanie Road (see map below). We enter the building via the side door, behind the locked gate. Give a call on the 147.10 MHz Repeater (100 Hz PL) or honk your...