Sandoval County Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) has been dedicated to providing emergency communications and related services to our served agencies since 1991. Served Agencies include:
– City of Rio Rancho (and other local municipalities)
– Sandoval County
– State of New Mexico
– Federal Government
!! SPECIAL EVENT !! SCARES will be running a special event station from the SCARES Communications trailer, at the DUKE CITY HAMFEST, on Saturday, September 21st. Stay tuned for details!!
Net Check-ins & Meetings:
The next meeting will be this coming Monday, on September 16th.
Our weekly Net Check-ins are held every Monday night at 1930 MST/MDT on the SCARES repeater network. During day of the Net, we also accept Winlink check ins, send to K5BIQ or KG5WED prior to the end of the net. Our next Net Controller will be Ron, NM5AA on September 23rd.
Our monthly meeting is held on the third Monday of each month at 1900 MST/MDT. Details of our monthly meetings and Net Check-ins can also be found on our Events Page.
Meeting location:
Rio Rancho
Fire & Rescue Administration
1526 Stephanie Road
Rio Rancho, NM
Note: We enter the building via the side door, behind the locked gate. Honk your horn or give a call on the 147.10 MHz Repeater (100 Hz PL) to be let in if the gate is not open.
Proposed SCARES Simulated Emergency Test (SET): The following link will allow you to download the presentation by Jim Frazier, KC5RUO, regarding his proposal for a S.E.T. exercise on November 2nd, 2024. Please note that although it is titled as “final”, the ICS-205 form is blank, and there are other details that will need to be worked out. LINK: EVAC EMCOM Final (requires member login to access).
SCARES Clothing:
Rio Rancho T-Shirt has copies of our SCARES artwork and can produce Shirts and other apparel. Members can contact them at: Rio Rancho T-Shirt 1207 Golf Course Rd SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 (505) 891-1521. Our current shirt color is Burgundy.
New members are always welcome.
For more information, please check-in to the Sandoval County ARES radio Net, held on the SCARES repeater system every Monday evening at 1930 local time (except the THIRD Monday of each month at 1900, which is our regular meeting night).
To join SCARES, please download and fill out this application form (PDF) and mail it along with your check for $30 to Sandoval County ARES, P.O. Box 44394, Rio Rancho, NM 87174-4394.